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12월, 2017의 게시물 표시

Rousseau to Mirabeau (1767)

Excerpt from a letter from Jean Jacques Rousseau to Victor Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau 26 July 1767 ................... Voilà ce que fera votre despote, ambitieux, prodigue, avare, amoureux, vindicatif, jaloux, foible: car c'est ainsi qu'ils font tous, et que nous faisons tous. Messieurs, permettez-moi de vous le dire; vous donnez trop de force à vos calculs, et pas assez aux penchans du coeur humain, et au jeu des passions. Votre système est très bon pour les gens de l'Utopie, il ne vaut rien pour les enfans d'Adam. Voici, dans mes vieilles idées, le grand problême en Politique, que je compare à celui de la quadrature du cercle en Géométrie, et à celui des longitudes en Astronomie: Trouver une forme de Gouvernement qui mette la loi au-dessus de l'homme. Si cette forme est trouvable, cherchons-la et tâchons de l'établir. Vous prétendez, Messieurs, trouver cette loi dominante dans l'evidence des autres. Vous prouvez trop: car cette évidence a dû être...

Heads of an Indictment laid by J.-J.Rousseau against David Hume (1766-1767)

Summary of the quarrel between Rousseau and Hume in the St James's Chronicle c. 15 January 1767 This is an excerpt The MISCELLANY, NUMBER III. By NATHANIEL FREEBODY, Esq. Thursday, January 15, 1767. It must be a Matter of Concern to all true Lovers of 'Sound Philosophy,' to hear that the unhappy Quarrel between David Hume, Esq; and Mr. Rousseau, is never likely to be made up, as the latter hath actually commenced a Suit against the former, in one of our Courts of Justice. Very fortunately, by an Acquaintance with a Clerk of the Court, I have it in my Power to oblige the Reader with the Heads of the Indictment laid by the Author of Emilius against our celebrated Historian. I am assured by my Friend, whose Veracity I never yet found any Reason to doubt, that the following is Copia Vera. Heads of an Indictment laid by J.J.R. Philosopher, against D.H. Esq; I That the said David H. to the great Scandal of Philosophy, and not having the Fitness of Things before his...

마녀사냥 - 1090년 뵈팅의 사례

1090년, 독일 지역 뵈팅(Vötting)의 주민들은 농작물을 말려죽이고 사람들을 독사했다는 혐의를 뒤집어씌워 여자 세 명을 죽였다. 그들은 새벽에 세 여자를 잡아서 물에 담그고 채찍질했으나 자백을 얻어내지 못했다. 그러자 그들은 프라이징(Freising)의 귀족들에게 집회를 요구했고, 그 집회에서 다시 이 여자들을 채찍질했지만 끝까지 자백을 얻어내지 못했다. 그들은 분노에 휩싸여 이 세 명을 불태워 죽였다. 셋 중 한 명은 임신한 상태였다. 사제 한 명과 수도승 두 명이 조용히 그들의 시신을 수습해서 성 스테파누스 수도원 앞뜰에 묻어주었다. Gerhard Schormann, Hexenprozesse in Deutschland (Göttingen, 1981), p. 26f.